This site brings you the most useful resources on preparing and conducting observations. Let us know if you think that an important resource is missing.
Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector’s Field Guide
2005, FHI 360
The publication is one of the best guides on using qualitative research methods. It covers the following topics:
Module 1 – Qualitative Research Methods Overview
Module 2 – Participant Observation
Module 3 – In-Depth Interviews
Module 4 – Focus Groups
Module 5 – Data Documentation and Management
Data collection: Qualitative Methods
2009, Médecins du Monde
This practically written document familiarises aid workers, who are not specialists in social sciences, with qualitative data collection and analysis.
Wash'Em: Barriers & Enablers to Handwashing
2019, ACF, LSHTM
Wash'Em is a process for rapidly designing evidence-based and context-adapted handwashing behaviour change interventions, especially in the emergency contexts. The Wash’Em process involves using 5 rapid assessment tools to understand behaviour, using observations, interviews, videos and other methods.
Qualitative Research for Development: A guide for practitioners
2015, Practical Action
The publication provides useful guidance on several qualitative research methods, including semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews, observations, and various participatory methods. The document is relatively long but you can easily focus just on the topic you are interested in.