This site provides practical guidance on the monitoring and evaluation of behaviour change interventions. Let us know please if you think that an important tool or publication is missing.

Leveraging M&E Systems to Improve SBC Programme Performance

2020, GIZ, ANH
The webinar recording provides you with practical tips on how your M&E systems can help you to not only measure the results of your SBC programming but also improve its quality and overall impact. It includes useful examples and practical recommendations that you can use in your work. 

Measuring Behaviour Change

2017, People in Need (PIN)
This short guidance is a part of PIN's Behaviour Change Toolkit. It explains what, when, and how should your monitoring and evaluation system measure and how can you avoid the most common mistakes.

Guidance on Assessing the Prevalence of Behaviours

2016, People in Need (PIN)
IndiKit provides step-by-step guidance on assessing the proportion of people following life-saving and life-protecting behaviours in the health, nutrition, agriculture, WASH, education and other sectors. It helps you with designing and implementing quantitative surveys. 

Tools for Quantitative & Qualitative Data Collection

2016, People in Need (PIN)
This website presents the following tools and guidance on quantitative and qualitative data collection: sample size calculator for quantitative surveys, Rapid Guide to Survey Sampling, Rapid Guide to Describing Survey Methodology, Rapid Guide to Individual Interviews, Checklist for Conducing Quantitative Surveys, Surveys Budgeting Checklist, Surveys Logistics...

Checklist for Evaluating Behaviour Change Activities

2011, Pathfinder International
This checklist helps you conduct rapid, observations-based evaluation of individual behaviour change activities.

Measuring Social and Behavior Change in Nutrition Programs: A Guide for Evaluators

2022, USAID Advancing Nutrition
Program evaluations play a critical role in improving the quality and determining the effectiveness of the social and behavior change (SBC) strategies and approaches needed to reach nutrition program outcomes. This guide supports implementing partners who are involved with conducting an evaluation of an activity that uses SBC to improve multi-sectoral nutrition outcomes. The document focuses on...