Training and counseling can be highly effective in increasing people’s ability and motivation to follow the promoted behaviours. Despite this potential, they are frequently designed and delivered in an ineffective manner. The following resources were chosen to help you ensure that your project’s training and counselling sessions are implemented in the best possible way to deliver the desired outcomes. Let us know if you think that an important resource is missing. 

Behaviour Change Communication and Facilitation Skills for Community Health and Nutrition Volunteers

2024, ADRA
This training guidance aims to increase the effectiveness of interpersonal SBC communication activities conducted at the community level. It intends to ensure that people who promote the desired behaviors, such as community health and nutrition volunteers: Understand the importance of effective communication; Know what helps adults to learn; Are able to use the key communication...

Using the EAST Framework

2023, ADRA Yemen
This document provides guidance on delivering one-day workshop that aims to increase the ability of the Community Health and Nutrition Volunteers to promote various behaviours in a way that enables and motivates people to adopt them. The acquired skills can be used in the context of group sessions, household visits, and individual counselling. The guidance is meant to be used...

Agents of Agricultural Change: Strengthening the Behaviour Change Skills of Agricultural Extension Staff and Volunteers

2022, GIZ Zambia
This training module was developed for staff of agricultural departments and non-governmental organisations who work on agricultural extension in low-income countries. Its intention is to enable the staff to strengthen the communication and facilitation skills of people who promote good agricultural practices, such as extension workers and volunteers. The training focuses on ten key...

Make Me a Change Agent: A Multisectoral SBC Resource for Community Workers and Field Staff

2015, TOPS, CORE Group
These lessons seek to build the skills of community-level workers, such as community development agents, community health workers, and agriculture extension agents, so that they can be more effective behavior change promoters in their communities. The lessons are not sector specific, and are tried and true generic skills, such as communication and storytelling, that can help a...

Make Me a Change Agent: An SBC Resource for WASH, Agriculture, and Livelihoods Activities

The training guidance is an adapted version of the Make Me a Change Agent produced in 2015. It focuses on strenghtening the SBC communication and facilitation skills of community-level workers working on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), agriculture, and livelihoods. This guidance is available also in French, Amharic, Spanish and Portuguese. 

Care Group Website

This website provides many useful resources on the use of the Care Group approach. A Care Group is a group of 10-15 volunteer, community-based educators who regularly meet together with project staff for training and supervision. Each volunteer is responsible for regularly visiting 10-15 of her neighbors, sharing what she has learned and facilitating behavior change at the household...

Engaging Grandmothers to Improve Nutrition: A Training Manual for Dialogue Group Mentors

2011, USAID, IYCN Project
This manual provides mentors of grandmother dialogue groups with the information and techniques they need to encourage discussions on family care and optimal infant and young child feeding. It provides step-by-step guidance to facilitate a three-day training workshop that uses group activities, focused discussions, brainstorming, and role-playing to introduce issues such as breastfeeding,...

How to Deliver a Workshop or Training

2018, People in Need
This short and practical guide helps you prepare and implement effective trainings and workshops.

How to Design and Carry Out Participatory Training Workshops

This short guide provides practical tips on designing and implementing participatory trainings and workshops. 

Facilitator’s Toolkit

2005, ARC
The toolkit has been produced as a resource for people who will be facilitating training. Its content is divided across several topics that broadly cover the following issues: principles of learning guidance on preparing for training guidance on how to use the participatory training methods guidance on the writing and production of...

Training of Trainers

Pathfinder International
This publication provides guidance on adult learning, facilitation skills, training methodologies, visual aides, conducting a training needs assessment and planning and evaluating training.    

Enabling Better Complementary Feeding: Guidance and Workbook

2022, USAID Advancing Nutrition
This workbook highlights challenges and examples specific to quality SBC for improving complementary feeding. The basic concepts of quality SBC design; implementation; and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) presented in this workbook can be used for improving other nutrition behaviors. 

Counselling and Training Materials on IYCF

This website includes a range of useful counselling and training materials on improving infant and young child feeding (IYCF), including training aids, counselling cards, key messages booklet, and brochuers. 

Stories Without An Ending: An Adult Education Tool for Dialogue and Social Change

2017, Aubel, J.
The purpose of this guide is to help organizations involved in community programs to develop and use the Stories Without An Ending (SWE) approach. This adult education tool can be used to actively engage community groups in discussion of issues of priority concern to them and/or to development programs and to catalyze discussion of those ideas in the wider community. The generic SWE methodology...

Visioning-Based Behaviour Change Approach to Family Planning

2014, USAID
This document describes a behavior change approach developed specifically for private practicing midwives to generate demand for family planning products and services and address unmet need for modern contraceptives in the Philippines.